Sunday 17 June 2012

#1: Broccoli, asparagus and spinach tart on aromatic olive oil crust


* 150g grated mozzarella
* 200g 18% cream
* 5 eggs
* 6 asparagus spears
* 1 big bundle of chives or green onions
* 1 bundle of spinach
* 1 broccoli
* 1 onion
* a little bit of oil to fry the onion
* a few cherry tomatoes
* a handful of sunflower seeds
* spices and herbs: rosemary, thyme, white pepper, salt

- 250g flour (preferably whole wheat)
- 1ts salt
- 1ts dried herbs: rosemary and thyme
- 60ml olive oil (preferably extra-virgin, it has that amazing intense flavor)
- 1/2 cup cold water (cups' capacity vary, so just add the water bit by bit until attaining the right consistence)
These proportions should give you enough dough to line a 25-30cm tart pan.

Sieve the flour, combine it with other dry ingredients. Slowly, mix in olive oil and water with a fork or your hand. Knead the dough lightly until it forms a neat ball, then wrap it up in foil and put it into the fridge for a quarter or so.
Preheat your oven to 200C and grease the tart pan lightly. When it's ready, take out the dough and roll it out into a circle of an appropriate size (add some flour underneath the dough and on the rolling pin to prevent sticking), then transfer it carefully onto the pan. Now, before you put it into the oven, prick it with a fork or cover the bottom with baking paper and beans (to be removed after 10mins) so the crust won't get bulgy. Bake for 15-20 mins.

In the meantime, prepare the filling:
Clean the veggies. Rind the asparagus spears, cut the broccoli into small florets, place both in the steamer (or  salty boiling water) for 5 mins tops. You want them neither raw, nor cooked, they should be something in between when you strain them out. Chop the onion and fry it, then add spinach (whole leaves) and wait for it to soften.
(Check on the crust, it should be ready by now)
Cover the crust's bottom with spinach and onion. Chop the green onions/chives, cut the asparagus, combine them with broccoli and lay all this on the spinach. Cut the tomatoes into halves end place them here and there, evenly, in the tart.
Mix most of the cheese you have with the cream, spices, end eggs, then pour it onto the broccoli, tomatoes and so on... Sprinkle everything with the cheese that's remained and the sunflower seeds. Shove the tart into the oven (170C this time) for ~20 mins.

That's all folks! My family loved this tart, and what you should know is that they're usually very fussy about anything meat-free ;)
Let me know how you liked it or if there was anything unclear... And also if you have any suggestions how to improve this recipe or what you'd like me to prepare next :)

Thanks for reading,

PS. The original recipes I based on can be found here: crustfilling

Saturday 16 June 2012

Let's get it started!

Those who are friends with me on Facebook know, that I'm reeeeally into cooking. I love it. I love to make food, and to serve it later, and then to uneasily await for an acoustic or facial expression indicating approval.

I never hesitated to spam their News Feeds with my food's photos, but I've never attempted to get a blog where I could publish my recipes...
1) I don't keep track of them. I experiment, improvise, forget, and... never cook the same thing twice.
2) I've worried that there is no reason for people to read my cooking blog when there are soooo many other blogs owned by tons of better cooks.
3) The point of keeping a blog is to publish posts which will be read. And then commented on. And it can go wrong, people can get critical, or - worse - they can ignore you.
Still, having received encouragement from friends, here I am, posting for the first time... Worst-case scenario,    at least I'll have my recipes noted down!

So, the thing is... I won't bring you to your knees with some super-exotic, expensive, dainty ingredients - I usually can't afford them. But! What I can offer you are yummy, easy-to-make, colorful vegetarian brainchildren of mine, based on whatever I find in the fridge or catches my eye in the market, and what any of you can re-make in your kitchen.

Please, stick around - first recipe TOMORROW! Xx

- M

PS. OMG they just announced a casting for the first edition of MasterChef Poland...